All-on-4 Implant Restorations
Two key elements significantly reduce treatment complexity: the number of surgeries and the overall treatment time. The All-on-4® treatment concept is not only the least time-consuming treatment option (only 4 hours chair time for the patient), but also the least costly in comparison with conventional implant treatment modalities of the edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous jaw.
Hybrid Bar / Acrylic Wrap-Around
The conventional hybrid wrap-around bar is the fundamental structure of a fixed denture. An alloy bar is fabricated using CAD/CAM technology to guarantee accurate design and precise fit. A wrap-around style bar will serve as a frame and will become fully wrapped in acrylic resin for the final. The hybrid bar makes repair and maintenance convenient for the clinician and patient.
Monolithic Zirconia
The monolithic zirconia option provides the most strength available to your All-on-4® restoration. The zirconia is completely customizable in anatomy and color to ensure a beautiful finish. The non-porous and smooth finish prevents the occurrence of odors, chips, and stains that conventional acrylic options struggle with.
Layered Zirconia Hybrid
For a more aesthetic result without completely compromising strength, the layered zirconia hybrid is a great option. Furthermore, the strength of the zirconia substructure and aesthetics of hand-layered porcelain work well for full arch restorations. Our design protocol layers porcelain on the buccal surface leaving the occlusal surfaces in zirconia, potentially preventing porcelain chipping.
Cobalt Chrome (CoCr) Layered PFM
For undeniable strength and the feature of aesthetic, the Cobalt Chrome Layered PFM is a wonderful solution. Ideal for patients with limited vertical, the CoCr frame will provide strength unrivaled by other materials. The hand layered porcelain creates a beautiful and natural aesthetic over the CoCr frame.
Pekkton Supported Restoration
A lightweight and natural feel for the patient, Pekkton® offers a natural aesthetic appearance like that of real bone. Its durability and strength outclass its predecessor, PEEK, offering an 80% greater compression strength. Traditionally the frame is then finished with e.max crowns for the ultimate aesthetic.
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- Toll Free: (877) 528-2522
- Local: (951) 699-0435
- Fax: (951) 699-2226
- Email Nash Dental Lab